Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Potential Offer on House!

Just the other day, we were informed that there may be an offer as late as this coming weekend on our house! Over the weekend, apparently despite the hassles of getting onto the property with no gate code which the Association holds with a tight grip, someone actually fell in love with the place according to my Agent.

So, we're hopefull but not overly optimistic. This is as close as we've ever come to having an actual offer. Then comes the dreaded negotiations. We're also hopeful that the buyer will be willing to do a rent-back deal because moving twice is out of the question. Not to mention largely impossible since apartment communities only rent to people willing to sign a 6-month lease. That's the case here at least. Who wants to move TWICE in two months anyway? Rather "bite the bullet" and pay the high rent for a couple months.

Check back in a few days to see if we've received that offer.
Update, 1 March. No offer. Apparently this woman who had "fallen in love" with the place decided she wanted to see how much MORE house she could afford. To date, we have heard nothing from her. We're hopeful, however, that lowering the price will bring more traffic. Keep a positive thought for us!

"I'm Leavin' On A Jet Plane..."

Here I sit awaiting boarding my flight to SAC. I HATE flying. Aircraft designers certainly did not have comfort in mind when building these flying cattle cars. Pack as many in and be done with it. I really wonder if any of these designers logged any flight time in a passenger seat? Above all else, I will miss my boy the most... and, of course, my lovely wife. It will be two nights/3 days away.

I'll be attending an MIS Conference with a bunch of other propeller-heads! *chuckle* Hopefully I'll derive some benefit from it, Microsoft will be represented to discuss MS Exchange (Outlook) and other things like that which would probably bore the non-geek-types. ;)

Will keep you posted!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

More Home Selling Woes

After being run out of our home twice this weekend for nothing, finally these people came to look only to nearly lose them all together! We live in a gated community and the management company does not like to give out gate codes. This has cost us potential buyers and this one was nearly included. Fortunately, someone drove up and let them in. Not sure if that is going to break any potential deal, I just know I'd be turned off by that situation. I don't think they care why, just that it probably looks like the homeowner wants to sell but not give out the gate code.

I guess I'll have to fight my Association for that code. Stay tuned!

Old Time Steamers

A friend sent me this picture and I wanted to post it here. It's a vintage photo. It's a real shame that people don't have much interest in trains. Many will say that they're "Fun for kids," or "eh, it's just a train, big deal." What people tend to forget is that trains played an integral and VERY important part in our American history as well as other parts of the world. Trains helped conquer the West, brought commerce to little "shanty towns" and moved people in the most efficient manner of the times. Even today, trains can go where other vehicles cannot. Trains hold a romance and in some cases, mystery that other things do not. So, next time you see a train, remember this, "That's how the West was Won!" :)

Thanks, Marn!