More Ramblings

First, let me open by mentioning the Anniversary of September 11th. Our hearts should still be with those families that suffered such horrible losses on that Dark Day of Terror. Let’s NEVER forget lest these innocent lives be lost in vain.
September is now more than half over and it's finally cooling off. This morning, it was 57 degrees with a breeze. BRRRRR! Had to go back inside to grab a sweater! Okay, while many may be in even colder climates, that's damn cold compared to 110-115!
2006 is nearly over too! Halloween Shops are popping up all over the place so All Hallowes Eve (or Saints Day, depending upon what calendar you're looking at) will be upon us. Then it will be Thanksgiving and THEN Christmas. Where has the year gone!!! Much has happened this year for me between selling and buying our homes, two moves. Then, at work, 3 Migration projects. First, we migrated our users to Active Directory, then to Outlook and now we're in the midst of a NEW Active Directory migration. Whew!! Enough all ready! The year ain't even over yet!
Football season is upon us and, even to MY surprise, the Chargers are actually doing quite well! Smearing the Raiders on ESPN last Monday was not exactly the best victory, but a victory never-the-less. Yes, they have no passing game, and they do still suck big time. So, this says little about the Raiders. The ONLY reason I am a fan of the Chargers is because they're my Home Town Team. I support em but still know they're probably one of the worst teams in the league. I will, however, be watching each game I can. Like tomorrow's game against Tennessee. I have hopes that one day soon they will once again make it to the Super Bowl and perhaps this time actually win rather than just lay down like they did so many years ago.
I know I've promised more pix of the house but I've not gotten around to that as of yet. Soon though, I promise. But don't hold your breath! *chuckle*
Alright, in the spirit of Halloween, I'm sharing some pictures the wife sent me in Email. This was entitled "Why Dogs Bite People. As you look, you will see this is a damn good reason to bite someone! I'd love to hear any reader's comments on this, too. So post your comments!