Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Monsoon Season

Every year about this time, Monsoon Season starts. From now until late September and sometimes early October, weather is different every 20 mins. You don't like it, go back inside for a while and the weather changes. Yes, it DOES rain in So.Nev.! Boy, can it rain in the desert. The tropical flow from the Gulf of Mexico mixes with the more arid conditions creating thunderstorms. What's bad is the humidity. It feels like a sauna!

Today we had a tremendous storm. Hail, lightning and some street flooding. I would estimate the roof was pounded for a good 15 mins before it finally moved on. Then, we were nailed once again for about 10 mins, lighting and thunder as well. The nice thing about this in the desert is it all gets soaked up in a short time. Enough to clean your car or truck, as long as the rain kept falling. The moment it stops, the dust settles. One of the breaks of desert living.
I'd not trade this place for any other in the world. Despite the humidity this time of year, it's really quite dry, climate I've really come to appreciate. After living most of my life in a humid climate, this certainly is a nice change.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Long Day

Long day, started at 0530 and finally left the office at 1630. I could use a vacation.

Building an IT department practically from scratch is tough while shouldering all other responsibilities that go along with the position. I've made some good progress in my time there though. When I first started there was little documentation to speak of, network was a mess partly because it was improperly maintained and there were no real securities in place. Now, with procedures, documentaiton and accountability, as well as improvements I've managed to implement, we have a strong and stable network, despite the fact that it is running Novell. Ugh! Active Directory, for me, Baby! We'll be doing a migration from Novell to Windows Server by the end of the year. That will be my crowning success there. In the mean time, I've had to make do with what I had. So, I made it work. It's been really tough, but I do love a challenge.

That's all for now.

Monday, June 20, 2005


What is it about Mondays that is such a drag? They're actually not typically bad days, just the most difficult day of the week. Is it that motivation escapes us? A let-down from a not-long-enough weekend? That's another thing, who invented the 5-day work week and only a two-day weekend? Must've been a communist! *chuckle*

Seriously though, many of us work 6 and sometimes 7 days/week! So, who's complaining? Are two days really enough to be rested for Monday? Would it be worse if we had more days off?
Then, again, many complain there are not enough hours in a day to get everything done. Myself included! By the end of a 10-12 hour day, it seems little was accomplished. All the meetings I needed to attend didn't help with my projects, either. So many meetings, what's up with all that? If corporate wants work done, why schedule so many meetings? It truly makes no sense to require so much to be done but waste time talking about getting things done.

So, Mondays, meetings, weekends (or lack thereof) are all in a day's work!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Movie Theaters

Movie theaters! One of the places in the world I detest! Sometimes they play great flicks, popcorn is usually stale and expensive as the Franklin Mint, but that's just the beginning. Once you finally get past the concessions, then good luck finding a decent seat before someone annoying sits behind you, in front of you or to the side. Between the screaming children (don't get me wrong, I love kids, but movie theaters are not the place! -- people come to watch a movie, not listen to your kid bawl throughout the picture!), constant chatter, even after the movie starts, it's not a pleasurable experience.

On average, I can go, hmmm... maybe TWICE, then I get sick of it. Only problem is if I wait for the movie to be released on disc, the impact is lost. Big screen is great, especially with high action and adventure flicks like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, James Bond, etc. But I go to two movies after a long hiatus of boycotts of these places, and by the second one, I am disgusted. If I am really adventurous, and go for a 3rd try, it's beneath reproach!

Recently, my boy and I went to see Star Wars III. Outstanding movie, very well written, with the exception of Natalie Portman's acting (I know I'll probably catch heat for this comment! *chuckle*) In fact, we saw it TWICE! First viewing wasn't so bad with the exception of the kids... this was no flick for the kiddies, folks! I mean, 3-8 y/o should not be allowed into this one for the gore and violence. The second time was terrible. Between people going back and forth in front of us every 15 mins, the guy in front of me constantly stretching and moaning (LEAVE if you don't like the movie!) oh, and my wife said that the woman beside her was constantly chattering. Here's the clincher, when the med droid announced to Obi-Wan, Organa and Yoda that Padme was carrying twins, the woman gasps and blurts out, "OMG, LUKE & LEIA!!) NO KIDDING! Wasn't that the point? Great deductive reasoning, Sherlock! *chuckle* Might I request for the rest of us that are NOT so bright, don't give it away! LOL!
That was just my most recent theater experience. However, it is a good example of what happens. It would be nice to be able to watch a movie without people acting like it's their own living rooms! The back of my seat is NOT your foot stool, shaking or kicking post! Neither is my armrest! GRR!!

I can handle the sticky floors from all the dropped sodas, crumpling of candy wrappers, high concession prices, etc. if it wasn't mixed in with all the other garbage! Don't know about you, but my idea of going to a movie is to WATCH it, especially if I've paid nearly $10 per ticket. If you want to play, do it outside or in your own home.

I remember when I was a kid, any talking during the movie or any other disturbances was answered by the usher threatening to remove us from the theater! What happend to that today? Problem is, in many cases, it's the ADULTS causing the commotion! What an example we are setting for the younger generation.

Well, I just had to get that off my chest.

XM Radio

Just installed XM Radio in my vehicle. Quite amazing, even to someone in the tech field. The whole satellite technology still intrigues me. Though it's been around for decades, we're just now realizing the potential. Imagine, driving across country listening to the same station no matter what state you are in! And the clarity is phoenominal!

With a Home Kit, you can listen to the same variety and clarity in your own home! Recently purchased a new Onkyo Home Theater system which was a vast improvement over my old Kenwood, XM sounded exponentially better! And I am VERY picky about sound...
So, with my wide interest in music, this will be a welcome addition to my collection of gadgets. There are more options than I could have imagined... hope I'm not overwhelmed by the choices! *chuckle*

Though startup was pretty rocky, to make a long story short, the first radio was defective. However, I recommend this to anyone that spends much time at all in their vehicle. For me, the biggest plus is that it is all commercial-free. So far, the playlists are not as repetitive as local stations, another definite advantage.

So, no more fumbling with CD's or not finding what I want to listen to on the radio for me.