Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lost In Translation

What do NAFTA & Immigration have in common? Language and free-rides. What's happening is this country is being given over to Spanish-speaking people! Everywhere you look anymore, there is a spanish translation for signage, informational pamphlets, etc. It is not even a requirement to speak English in order to work in the US! Undocumented workers are taking cash under the table, receive FREE medical care at tax-payer's expense!

Now, before you cry "PREJUDICE!" let me explain where I am coming from. I have NO problem with immigration, in it's traditional sense. I have no issue with Free Trade where it provides opportunity for ALL, not just foreign countries. What I DO take exception to are non-citizens expecting a free-ride or hand-outs. Jobs being sent over-seas that were performed locally, thereby displacing English-speaking workers. This is what's happening as a result of NAFTA and Immigration Anmesty! If you don't believe me, then open your eyes.

Americans, what is it like for you to call Dell, HP or even your own credit card complany for help with a bill or computer issue and your call is answered by someone who BARELY speaks English, let alone fully comprehends your concerns? Frustrating at the very least. Then, if asked to speak with someone who speaks English AT LEAST fluently, preferrably as a 1st language, be treated like you've just accused "Joseph" a.k.a. Habib of Terrorism! I don't know about you but if we are talking about money owed or money in my bank, I want to understand and BE understood inexplicably!

Talk about lost in translation: Baja Fresh has a policy of "advancing" Spanish-speaking employees if they learn English. However, cooks and back-end workers many times do NOT speak a word of English. Even though front-end workers (counter help) may be bi-lingual, SOMETHING is usually lost in translation!

English is the PRIMARY language in this country, at least it was the last I checked. Americans seeking employment in foreign countries are usually required to learn the native language in order to progress or enjoy any form of success.

Why should we just GIVE citizenship status to illegals? I have no problem with individuals going through the proper channels, learning the language and PAYING their share of taxes. Nobody gets a free ride in this country, so why should illegals? My tax dollars should not be used to subsidize someone who is in this country illegally. EARN your status, just like everyone else. Born here is one thing, I can do nothing about it any more than anyone else can control where they were born. If you were not born in this country, earn your citizenship just like you would require me to if I went to your country.

I am sick and tired of the bleeding hearts that want to hand over this country. It's time to get tough and require what other countries require of us. If I have to work for a living, pay my taxes, insurance, etc. to survive and receive medical care, so should everyone else. America is called the Land of Opportunity, but each of us has to work for where we are. No double-standards, free-rides or hand-outs. Natural-born citizens are not afforded this luxury, immigrants shouldn't either.

NAFTA is hurting us more than helping. The value of the dollar is diminishing because of the lower paying jobs, unemployment is up because jobs are going overseas!

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

It's ALL About ME!! ;)

Well, it's been a while since the last blog update and I am sure my one or two visitors have grown bored of reading the same ol' crap that's been there for so long. Sorry if your life consists of checking up on my blog but I only have one thing to say to that: Okay, so, GET A FREAKING LIFE ALREADY!!! I did, so should you! hehehe.

Okay, onward and upward, so the saying goes. Changes, oh, 'dem changes... hehe. Well, I THINK I've found myself... finally! Or it's a beginning anyhoo. One of the biggest changes will be to make the big pulling my ass-roots out of Vegas and "Getting the Hell Outa Dodge!" Since the Milgard Layoff, Work's been sporatic at best. A gig here, a gig there just does not pay the bills. Well, if ol' David Carman (may the fates have their way with his wretched soul!) hadn't screwed me over BIG time, I would not be in this predicament. Darling Partner Tawnie sez, "Put yur Big Boy pants on and GET OVER IT ALREADY!" Okay, nuf sed. I'm getting over it and moving on... and moving out. It's not ALL DC's fault, the tech industry in Vegas as well as manufacturing and construction have taken serious down-turns and there just are not any real paying skilled jobs anymore. Not to mention that Vegas employers just can't play it straight. Fine, I will take my toys and leave. *chuckle* My skills will be better suited for those that appreciate them anyway. However, this won't happen much before March. So, I have about 7 months to prepare.

Josh starts High School this year. Cannot believe he's grown soo much. Nearly as tall as I am, if not as tall, he's grown to be quite a guy. He's taken the divorce well, if not better than anyone could expect. We spend most days together, other days he's with his mom. I think this has only brought us (Josh and myself) closer as Dad & son.

Darling Partner's sister will be moving as well. Accepting a job offer in Washington State, she's nearly packed and ready to go. Spend most of the weekend helping. Exhausting yet productive and successful, Probably will drive the truck for her. Within a year's time, we should all be about a state away from each other: Me n' Tawnie in Oregon, when that time comes, it'll sure be nice to get out of this heat for good!

Changes, new beginnings. Life's full of changes.

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