Monday, June 27, 2005


Our lifetime experiences are what makes us who we are today.

Pretty profound, wouldn't you say? Think about it, everything that happens to us shapes us into what we are today. What happens to us today makes us the person we will be tomorrow. No matter what, everything and everyone affects us to some degree. These contribute to the choices we make, the same as we affect others.

Cause and effect. Scientific phrase it may be, but it applies to everything we do. If we look at life like a huge science experement, it becomes clear. Then again, didn't someone say we're merely a Cosmic Joke? I don't completely agree. I believe there is a purpose for us being here. What that purpose is, no one can really know. So, life life to it's fullest and don't take anything for granted. That does not mean to live vicariously (well, if you REALLY want to... I won't stop you), instead, examine our experiences, learn from them and move on. Nothing is wasted if we look at things as learning experience.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


The end of a weekend comes only too fast! Coast into Sunday AM, and before you know it, it's 5 PM. Time to start gearing up for another work week. Working 6 days a week only makes for an even shorter weekend. So, I take full advantage of my only day off.

Slept as late as possible (5:30 AM -- Usually up by 4, body clock's out of whack, been that way for a couple of years now), did a little laundry and took it easy for the morning. Then, the highlight of my day, massage therapy! Oh, was that bliss! Nearly fell asleep on the massage table. The rest of my afternoon was spent relaxing with the exception of a few calls from work when I AM NOT ON CALL! As I've stated many times and even posted the On-Call schedule. At any rate, besides that we watched Back to the Future 1, 2, & 3. So, relaxing but not entirely. Take it when I can get it.

Hopefully next weekent I'll be able to enjoy 3 whole days off but even that isn't something to count on.


Mad Cow Disease

Seriously, what's the big deal? Not a single human case of this supposed dreaded disease. Granted, cows are a source of food but, really, there is not much in the way of real nutrients in red meat. There are much healthier foods that can be eaten. Perhaps this is natures way of saying to humanity, "Eat better, eat healthy!" Consumption of red meat has been one of the chief causes of hardened arteries and heart disease due to the high fat content. The US alone eats the most of this, hence the highest number of cases.

More and more people are being diagnosed as being sensitive to red meat. Besides, poultry has lower fat content than even pork, "the other white meat." Granted, pork, when prepared properly is actually better than red meat.

Admittedly, I, too, enjoy the occasional steak. But note the key word here, OCCASIONAL. So nobody's going to go running around mooing at everyone else. Despite the fact that this is not transmittable to humans, I think it's a wake-up call to our eating habits.

MOO! *chuckle*