Thursday, February 09, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Rail Fanning

Those that know me know that my son and I are huge rail fans. Don't get to do much of it but when there is the opportunity, we take it. Anyway, rumor has it, Union Pacific will soon give way to Santa Fe. What I would give to see a Dash 9 on Vegas Rails! Seeing that certainly lifted my spirits, though. Some things we just do not outgrow and this is one of them. :)
Old Man Winter... DEAD? And other musings...
Not really complaining, it's just that it would really be nice if we could experience a little winter like last year. In fact, we had about 2 feet of snow the year before that. I guess we're paying for the wet from winter of '04/'05. Would have been great to end this long-standing drought out here in the Wild, Wild West.
Well, I kinda lied in my last blog entry. I managed to catch the last quarter & a quarter of the game. Just as Seattle caught that amazing interception and ran nearly the entire length of the field. In short, if you as me, Pittsburgh won by sheer LUCK. Had they played any other day, Seattle would have beaten them by as much if not more. But, it was only one chance and the Steelers have the game.
War with my neighbor seems to be over. She's fired her agent and relisted her home with someone else. Met the guy and he seems alright. Time will tell... not that it matters, he's not MY agent. What I care about is whether or not he practices RE ethically. So far, though, it does not seem like such a bad thing. Although, the puny little sign sure makes me laugh!
Okay, time for a real gripe. Some may view this as whining, complaining, but whatever. I want to get it off my chest. Talking about it seems to help little and it's been said that if you put your thoughts down in writing, it helps sort. So, here goes. Ever find yourself in a situation of feeling unappreciated, in fact, TAKEN FOR GRANTED for all of your efforts? It seems like the schmoe that puts forth the least amount of effort, does something so meaningless is praised to High Heaven. I've said this once and I'll say it again, I do NOT care for noteriety, recognition or anything like that. Just a little appreciation. That goes a LONG way in my book. Much further than public recognition, which is all fluff as far as I am concerned. You know, it gripes me to no end to be treated like crap despite all the work I put into something with noticeable results. But does anyone notice? HELL NO! Yet some flighty punk, just because he is ultra-friendly, sugar coats everything, gets the "kudos." Just once in a while, I would love to be told "Hey, good job! I appreciate what you've done on that project!" Instead, someone else gets all the attention, all the encouragement for minimal involvement. This has been the story of my life. Why is that, I wonder? The workers go unappreciated while the slackers and suck-ups get all the appreciation and rewards.
No wonder the work place is filled with low morale and "postal" workers. You know what I mean! This is NOT to say I am going to go "postal." I mean, what would that prove? NOTHING, just get me in jail or worse. Nah... not my way anyhoo. I'll move on until the next time something like this happens, then bitch and moan til I get it off my chest and head off to the next one. Someone once said to me that it's more important that you've accomplished something to your satisfaction because we are our own most critical judges. Who cares what other people think, anyway? What matters is, can you live with what you've accomplished? Yes, then move on. No? Figure out how to make it better the next time. The point is, you wake up and look at YOURSELF in the mirror every morning. Thank goodness not them! LOL!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Super Bowl Sunday?
If given the choice, I guess my Home-town team, the San Diego Chargers would be my pick. Why? Because I'm no flaky "fair-weather fan," that's why!! Sure, they do suck for the most part but I don't choose teams because they win. Now, if I bet on them it might be a different story. Since I'm no gambler (live in Vegas and not a gambler? RIGHT! But it is TRUE!), I pick my childhood favorite, the Chargers.
So, Super Bowl Sunday at my place is pretty much like any other Sunday. Probably will watch Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet for a short time. *chuckle* But it will be a normal end to the weekend here. No spilled beer, food in the living room or smoking in this house.
From what I've seen over the years, professional ball has become pretty political. Not sure if it is still banned, but I remember when the End-Zone victory dance was considered a penalty. The only information I've found is because it's not PC? Then this whole scandal over Janet Jackson's boob being flashed. BIG DEAL! It's just a body part! This country is so concerned over the human body it's sickening. That's a whole different discussion though. At any rate, I think that has also soured me against watching sports. So much in the way of politics and issues surrounding it takes the fun out of it for me.