Thursday, November 24, 2005

Top 10 Christmas Wishlist

Happy Thanksgiving to You And Yours! Hope you didn't eat TOO much, save some for the cockroaches! Hey, they gotta eat too, ya know!

Now for the important stuff! *chuckle*

Here is my Christmas Wishlist. If you're feeling generous, your act of selflessness will be appreciated. Maybe Santa will be really good to me this year, I've been a REALLY good boy! NOT! ;)

1) Philips 51" HDTV, only $799 tomorrow (Black Friday) at Circuit City. Hey, with the bitchen' sound system I have, time to dump the ol' Zenith 27" NTSB tube set. Archaic technology now. Sure doesn't do Lord of the Rings or Star Wars the justice they deserve.

2) Step (running) boards for my truck. Already looking pretty "trick," but this'll be even better. Easier for short chicks to get in without me having to boost 'em in -- not that I do anyway. You know who I'm talking about. hehehe.

3) Bedliner. Practical feature Ford neglected to include in the new F-150 line.

4) Motorola Razor. Once owned a StarTac which was my favorite. I understand this is essentially the replacement model. A Treo would be even better instead. But will settle for the Razor.

5) Gift Certificates to JCPenny and/or Mervyn's.

6) A New Pair of boots!

7) Ionic Breeze Professional from Sharper Image.

8) Blue Man Group Tickets.

9) Starry Night Enthusiast 5.0 E.T. Phone Home! *chuckle*

10) Celestron Skymaster Astronomy Binoculars So E.T. can see his house. ;)

Hey, if you REALLY want to help me out with these things, drop me a note and I'll tell ya where to send the $$. ;)

EDIT, 17Dec: Item 4 can be crossed off your list. Due to an unfortunate mishap and flat feet, I've actually been able to turn an unpleasant situation into something quite pleasant. I now own the black Razr v3! Which, by the way, really is quite a phone. Though not the Treo, still a step up from the v551!


Blogger Dena Cooper said...

Hi Q-ball! Funny you should mention the Motorola Razor. The laptop I got is a Razor wanna-be in looks LOL!

It is not a bad model at all for $378.00. I am going to list the specs as written: AMD Mobile Sempron 2800+ processor, 1.6 ghz. 255 MB DOR SD RAM memory, 40 GB hard drive. cdrw/dvd combo drive, 54G 802.11 b/g wireless LAN with a 15' screen.

I know it's a cut-rate version. But for the price...I wanted it. I have already loaded my PSCS onto it and it works FAB on the laptop. And I have an external hard drive where I keep all of my Scrapbook related actions, graphics, pics etc. so I can move easily between my desktop and laptop without any real inconvenience. I haven't noticed any slower processing when making my scrapbook pages or kits (and yes, I gave it a run-through first thing this am LOL!)

I am just grateful it didn't come to brawling in line as it did in Orlando.(although it came close)

5:38 PM  

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