Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Truth About Our Humanity, In a Nutshell!

I've not posted much lately, but this morning had a bit of inspiration. I've been doing a lot of re-thinking of my life and life in general. This is something that has come to me and I'd like to share with my readers. Please comment, if you wish, whether you agree or disagree.

Humanity has become shallow as a whole and hence lost sight of true reality. Reality does not stop at that which is seen, rather it is barely the beginning! There is so much that is unseen. Some say the Human Adventure lies in space. While space is exciting and something we must explore and learn about, there is so much more to be learned from within ourselves. Space is not the Final Frontier. The Final Frontier is our true being, our spirituality and how we connect with the cosmos and all of creation.

If we can move beyond the flesh, realize this is a mere shell that contains our very essence, our spirits, what/whom we REALLY are, then the possibilities are endless. Unfortunately, man has a natural desire to dominate. Hence, religion. Religion is merely a man-made institution to control the masses. There is, of course, the Greed Factor, but that's a whole new discussion. Rules and regulations about how to behave have been put into place to keep people in check. In truth, that which we do not understand terrifies us. Therefore it MUST BE EVIL. Wrong answer. The unknown is just that, the unknown; an opportunity to expand our knowledge and grow from it.

Controlling another only begets chaos. When two or more are in sync, of the same mind-set, events unfold naturally, without resistance. It is much easier to produce desired results with cooperation rather than control. Acceptance, as Osho teaches, leads to contentment and far less frustration. When society learns that simple theory, wars will cease, harmony will flourish. The problem is, mankind needs to shift focus from selfish desires, accumulating wealth and pursuits to that which comes more naturally.

One thing I have found in my life is that goals, whether material or otherwise, are more satisfyingly obtained with cooperation and harmony rather than control and frustration. In many cases, those goals we set out to obtain turn out to be less important than we had originally thought, especially if the road to that goal was fraught with frustration and the need to control the situation.


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