Finally, M$ Names The Next Release of Windows!

(see the full article at,1895,1839879,00.asp)
Michael Miller, PC Magazine Editor-in-Chief: "Windows 06? 07? 2010?"
Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft Watch Editor: "Some have suggested Windows XP Service Pack 3."
Ben Gottesman, PC Magazine Executive Editor: "I think they'll follow Apple's lead and name the OS after an animal. Probably Windows Elephant. Really big. Really powerful. Quite smart, too. But still a big target for bad guys."
Michael Steinhart, PC Magazine Features Editor: "Windows XQ."
John C. Dvorak, PC Magazine columnist: "How about Windows DOA.? Meaning Derivative Operating Application, of course."
Todd Spangler, Baseline Community Editor: "CashCow 2006? Better Late Than Never 5.0? Likeyoureallyhaveachoiceanyway Professional?"
Laarni Almendrala Ragaza, PC Magazine Online Section Editor: "Windows Finally Except for Few Bugs That We Will Tinker With Until The Next OS Comes Along Professional Edition."
Tony Hoffman, PC Magazine Staff Editor: "If they keep pulling interesting features, I might suggest WinDoze."
Jeremy Kaplan, ExtremeTech Editor: "Windoesn't."
Lance Ulanoff, PC Magazine Online Editor: "All Your Apps Are Belong to Us."
Rich Fisco, PC Magazine Technical Director: "OS Xl?"
David Murphy, PC Magazine Intern: "Windows 2: Bugs in the Hood."
Joel Santo Domingo, PC Magazine Lead Analyst: "Windows CU—Compulsory Upgrade."
Sarah Pike, PC Magazine Features Editor: "Windows AT—Antitrust."
Michael Dluginski, PC Magazine Associate Managing Editor: "Windows Longawaitedhorn."
Terry Sullivan, PC Magazine Lead Analyst: "I think they need to have a more humanistic, approachable name with cultural cachet that will remind us of both childhood fantasy and, of course, the crunching heavy metal of Black Sabbath: Windows OZ. Think of the marketing possibilities: You could have an Apple-like commercial where Judy Garland sings 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' and then slowly fades into Ozzy Osbourne singing 'Over the Mountain'—with the tagline: 'Welcome to OZ…Windows OZ.'"
And some of my ideas, "WindBlows XP2, Another experience of the same ol' same ol.." "We'll try it again, maybe get it right, maybe not. But in any event, your computer's going to crash but you still have to pay for licensing." "Windows X-Pee" Because you're pissing away hard-earned money. Could be MUCH cheaper. Quite frankly, the only thing M$ actually got right was when Windows 95, 98 & 2000 came out. But why abandon a good thing? Even when they have it, they don't realize it's good. Then again, there's Windows Server 2003. *chuckle*
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