Saturday, July 16, 2005

Model Railroads

I figure that it's time to talk about my favorite hobby, model railroading! I've discussed a number of topics and have yet to blog this. So, here we go, All Aboard Qball Rail! *chuckle* Sounds corny, huh? Oh well.

Ever since I was a child, I've loved trains. Even had an O-scale set that my father nailed to a piece of plywood that would slide under my bed. You remember, the one with 3 rails, that smoked and you could even toot the horn! In fact, Lionel may still sell that very model today. How many of you had or still have this set? Though it was so long ago, I still have fond memories of that.

As a kid, I was so into trains, that whenever we would approach a crossing, I'd scream, "Train tracks! I wanna get out and touch the train tracks!" Sometimes my folks would oblige me, other times not. I think it gave me that connection to something I loved so much. Perhaps I was a rail-worker in a previous life, no?

As the years went by, I became involved in other things and did not have another set. I've never lost that interest though. Riding trains, seeing other's layouts, etc always thrilled me to no end. I could sit and watch a model train go round and round the track all day if given the chance. Until recently, when my son and I decided to build our own layout together. A picture of it is down the right side of the blog page and a link to my site which chronicles our progress is in my Links section. Check it out after reading this. It's a small layout but something we both take pride in.

Primarily, we use the steamers, in my opinion the only real locomotives. Though many would disagree, diesel and electric just don't cut it. All of the important parts are covered up! Modern rail does not allow for the thrill of seeing the wheels turning, the siderod riding back and forth and the steam billowing out of the stack. I guess pollution is so great we can't really do that on a large scale anymore. Though I think the diesels emit more particles than burning wood or coal.

Aside from reading, this provides a real escape from harsh reality. My attentions are taken from the techno crap of today to this. Not just the historical aspect, but also the change in pace. When we work on the layout, it's not the same as our regular routine. Maybe it charges the other side of my brain? LOL!

Anyway, that's my blog about model railroading. Hopefully you understand a little more about my nickname, Qball Rail. ;) Don't forget to visit our site, listed to the right of this page.


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