Three Dog Night or, perhaps Old Dog Night?

How long since my last post? At least as long as these Dogs are old? Just kidding. On Friday, we went to see Three Dog Night in concert at the Silverton Hotel & Casino. I have to admit, this was probably the most fun I've had in ages. Had a chance to really let my hair down, so to speak... if I HAD hair that is! LOL! But for old farts, after they warmed up, sounded pretty darn good! Most of what they sang I remember. Does that date me? Kinda sad,

Seriously, this was a great experience. I've not been to a concert in years and this one was great! Even downloaded their 35th Anniversary Album afterwards. (Do you REALLY think I'd pay $20 for a CD that can be downloaded for $10 from iTunes?)
On to other things. Walk-thru on the house is next week!! Finally out of this apartment... the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger and brighter! Went by this weekend and sure looks nearly ready. Need appliances, alarm system trim-out and fixtures.
Josh finishes 7th Grade in a week too. It's wonderful yet saddening to see them grow up so dang fast. His biggest concern is girls. *chuckle*
And so it goes...
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