Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Cellphones & Driving

On my way home from work this evening, I noticed on average every other driver had their cell phone up to their face! In fact, probably two out of 3 were like that. It amazes me that despite how badly many people drive, cell phone usage is not regulated.

About two years ago, a bill to ban the use of cell phones without a headset was voted down in Clark County. Even with the accident rate related to cell phone usage it was still not passed. What is the problem? On average, most people that drive and use their phone direct more attention to the conversation than is safe. Let alone the fact that your attention is literally someplace else, only one hand is free for driving. This is plain stupidity.

Admittedly, I, too used to drive this way. But only for a short time. When I purchased my first headset, I noticed my attention had been more focused on the road and both hands available for driving. Granted, it is not the same as not talking, but it is no more distracting than conversing with passengers or even singing along to the radio.

More times than not, I am either cut off or nearly side-swiped by someone holding that damn phone to their face! It's almost as bad as driving under the influence. Sitting at a red light, behind someone on her cell, I was amazed at just how animated she was in her conversation. You can imagine what happend next: The light turned green but she kept on talking and did not even budge. After several seconds, I honked because getting around this dim-wit was impossible due to traffic, and apparently scared the living hell out of her because the dope reacted like a bomb had just been detonated and dropped her phone!!! Then she had the unmittigated gall to flip me the bird!!! She then peels out, burning rubber as she sped out of the intersection. Where's a cop when you need one?

My point here is, either get a headset or something has to stop. Stay off the cell when driving or pull over if that conversation is so important that you become so absorbed that you forget where you are!


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